
A. P. Goswami B. Prasad V. C. Joshi


The trial was conducted at the research block of Crop Improvement, GBPUAT, Hill Campus, Ranichauri using randomized block design (RBD) to characterize finger millet germplasm for morphological characters viz., plant height, flag leaf length, number of tiller plant-1, number of finger ear-1, ear length, no. of grain finger-1, no. of grain ear-1 and grain yield plant-1. Among all germplasms, number of finger ear-1, number of grain finger-1 and grain yield plant-1(g) had recorded highest in VL 149 which were 9.96, 150.66, 2.63 g respectively. The germplasm GEC 1406 attained lowest plant height (75.89 cm), GEC 961 had recorded higher flag leaf length (40.96 cm), GEC 268 had recorded maximum number of tiller plant-1 (3.30), GEC 199 had recorded higher ear length (9.20 cm), GEC 1044 had recorded maximum number of grain ear-1 (663) among all germplasm of finger millet. This study is helpful to identify superior germplasm so they can be used for further finger millet crop improvement programs.




Characterization, Eleusine coracana, Finger millet, Germplasm

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Characterization of finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.] germplasm for morphological parameters under field conditions. (2015). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 7(2), 836-838. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v7i2.692