Synergic effect of nano urea, sulphur and boron fertilization on growth, yield and quality of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
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Nutrient use efficiency may be reduced due to overuse of fertilizers, leaching, volatilization and denitrification in most Indian soils. Nano urea and other micronutrients are used as foliar applications to reduce losses and increase agriculture production. Considering this, a field experiment was carried out to check the different levels of sulphur (S) and boron (B) along with nano urea on sunflower's growth, yield and quality. The treatment consisted of two levels of sulphur (30 & 45 kg/ha) and boron (100 & 200 ml/ha) along with nano urea except for control. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with nine treatments (T0 to T8). The results revealed that the crop raised with nano urea plus 45 kg/ha S and 200 ml/ha B significantly impacted sunflowers growth, yield and quality. The highest values in plant height (181.6 cm), no. of leaves (31.7), stem girth (11.16 cm), dry matter production (121.5 g/plant), and Leaf area index (5.06), diameter of the head (19.59 cm), no. of filled seeds/head (753.3), weight of 100 seeds (5.46) were registered in T8. Ultimately, treatment T8 has an impeccable influence on improving seed yield (3140.8 kg/ha) and stover yield (5570.0 kg/ha). The same treatment also showed maximum oil content (44.20 %), oil yield (1388.34 kg/ha), and crude protein content (16.07 %) . The study suggests that the sulphur, boron, and nano urea had a synergistic relationship, and proper dosages, application methods, and time for the above nutrients can significantly improve sunflower production.
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Growth, Nutrients, Quality, Sunflower, Sustainability, Yield
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