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Mohamed E. Elhagarey Catalain Kashay


The pottery irrigation system is an ancient method to transport water drops slowly during porous pottery pitches, and it is filled manually. It is used in many countries and called with many names such as pitches, olla,  clay, pours and ceramic irrigation systems. The present study aimed to analyze environmental and economic returns for developing and managing innovations in modern irrigation systems during the winter seasons (2020 and 2021) in AlSharqia, Egypt. Garlic was planted in one hectare under two irrigation systems, 1) The drippers were belt-in, the flow was 4 liter per second, with a operating pressure of 1 bar and two drippers in one meter on the hose, dripper known in Egypt as (Gr), used in the experiment as a surface drip (SD) and subsurface drip (SSD) irrigation system, 2) The Innovative Follicular Drippers (IFD) had ultra-low flow (0.1 l/h and 0.2 low-head operating pressure), three IFD in one meter on the hose. The plant row had three hoses located under the soil surface by 20 cm. The soil texture was sandy loam and water salinity was 400 ppm. Soil, water, and yield measurements were conducted using more than applied energy analysis and economic feasibility. The results showed that water savings by using IFD were 45%. The highest yields were 21.6, 15.8, and 11.7 tons/ha for IFD, SD, and SSD, respectively.   The highest water productivity was 8.4, 3.4 and 2.5 kg.m-3 for IFD, SD and SSD, respectively.  Green house gases (GHG) of IFD system were lower than SD and SSD by 67%. Where the novelty and utility of IFD is the collecting of the feature of irrigation net and pottery media in one system, where the IFD irrigation is controlled like common drip irrigation and pottery media did not required to refill by water manuuly follow-stop. 


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Climate changes, Dripper, Economic, Ecosystem, Energy, Garlic, Green house gases GHG, Innovation, water

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Environmental and economic returns for the development and management of innovations in modern irrigation systems in Egypt. (2024). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 16(2), 653-662.