
I Gusti Agung Gede Bawa Irdhawati Komang Triana Putri


Reactive dyes such as Remazol Yellow FG are contaminants that are difficult to degrade in the environment. The adsorption method is an alternative to overcome this problem. Corn husk and eggshells can be adsorbents in adsorption. Corn husk contains an organic compound called cellulose, while eggshells have the main component of calcium carbonate. Corn husks and eggshells have the potential to be adsorbents with different characteristics. This research aimed to determine the optimum conditions for the combined adsorbent of corn husks and eggshells, which included composition comparison, contact time, pH, and application in dye waste. The interactions between Remazol Yellow FG dye in solution and combined adsorbent were conducted in batch method. Based on the research results, the optimum composition of corn husks and eggshells was 1:2, with an optimum contact time of 80 minutes at a pH of 2, resulting in an adsorption capacity of 0.559 mg/g, with an adsorption percentage of 33.95%. Adsorption of Remazol Yellow FG in sewage using combined adsorbents under optimal conditions obtained an adsorption capacity of 36.6579 mg/g with an adsorption percentage of 27.87%. The results demonstrate that the combined adsorbent of corn husks and eggshells is a potentially useful for removing Remazol Yellow FG dye from textile wastewater.





Adsorption, Activator, Corn husks, Eggshells, Remazol yellow FG

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Combined absorbent of corn husks and eggshells activated by sodium hydroxide as an adsorbent for Remazol Yellow FG dye in textile waste. (2023). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 15(4), 1582-1586. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v15i4.5124