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Muhammad Taufik Iqbal Agus Suharyanto Muhammad Ruslin Anwar Yatnanta Padma Devia


Estimating peak discharge in the catchment poses a challenge for hydrologists due to the potential overflow risks. The present study examined various methods, including Synthetic unit hydrograph, Melchior, and Rational, to determine the peak discharge value in the Lesti River Catchment Area. Accurate hydrological input data is essential for effectively estimating peak discharge and mitigating potential damage or failure. Optimized physical parameters using geographic information systems are critical in generating peak discharge values, emphasizing their importance in the estimation process. The mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) and mean average error (MAE) were used to determine the accurate method for estimating peak discharge. Analysis results showed varied peak discharge values across different methods, and it found that the MAPE values ranged from 15.15% to 7.48% and the MAE values ranged from 1.47% to 0.63%, respectively. The Nakayasu synthetic unit hydrograph obtained the minimum error measure value compared to other methods by 7.48% in MAPE and 0.63% in MAE. Therefore, the MAPE and MAE performance considered that the Nakayasu was closely approximating the observed peak discharge and a relatively accurate method for estimating peak discharge in the Lesti River catchment area.


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Accurate, Catchment, Estimate, Lesti River, Peak discharge

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How to Cite

Selecting the accurate hydrological method for estimating peak discharge in the Lesti River Catchment Area, Malang Regency, East Java Province, Indonesia. (2023). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 15(4), 1595-1607.