Comparative analysis of morphological and biochemical properties of some Mulberry (Morus spp.) genotypes
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Mulberry is a multipurpose tree in horticulture. Besides nutritional importance, it is used for raising silkworms, fodder and landscape. These is quite a wide genetic diversity among different mulberry genotypes. The present study was undertaken to evaluate certain morphological and biochemical properties of 20 genotypes of Morus alba, M. rubra, and M. nigra species distributed in Golestan Province, northern Iran. The highest leaf length (15.51 cm), petiole length (5.37 cm), vitamin C (4.34 mg/100 g) and phenol (31.89 mg/g) were recorded in M12 genotype. The highest fruit length (5.52 cm), pedicle length (17 mm), soluble solids (18.26%) and sucrose (31.64 mg/g) were recorded in M10 genotype. The amount of glucose (288.82 mg/g) and fructose (121.97 mg/g) were also dominant in M17 genotype. The utmost fruit fresh and dry weights (0.3-67.80 g), fruit diameter (1.99 cm), leaf width (11.94 cm) and flavonoids (24.67 mg/g) were also observed in the M20 genotype. The M1 and M2 genotypes had higher anthocyanin (1.13 µmol/g) and total antioxidant activity (66.71%) compared to other genotypes. Furthermore, fruit fresh and dry weights were positively correlated with fruit length and diameter, pedicle length, and leaf and petiole length. The highest positive correlation was observed among anthocyanin, vitamin C and phenols. The morphological and biochemical traits explained 99 % of the total variance of four and three main components. The results of cluster analysis grouped these genotypes into 3 main groups. Therefore, the highest heritability and genetic advance were found for fruit weight, petiole length, leaf width, antioxidant activity, fructose and flavonoids. The valuable pomological traits recorded for some genotypes may be useful for future breeding programs.
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Biochemical, Cluster analysis, Morus spp., Morphology, Genotype
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