Agricultural eco-efficiency and water footprint- A case study of fifteen crops in the Chupaca province of Peru
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The water footprint is an indicator of the impact of water use from its formation to its final destination. Agricultural eco-efficiency measures the efficient use of resources or materials available for crop production. Water's economic productivity analyses a product's efficient value as per its water supply and commercial value. The present research aimed to determine and relate the water footprint, economic productivity of water and agricultural eco-efficiency of 15 crops in the province of Chupaca - Peru. Georeferencing material was used for the delimitation of agricultural species, CROPWAT 8.0, CLIMWAT8.0, ArcGis 10.5 software, mathematical equations for the water footprint, agricultural eco-efficiency (Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)) and economic productivity of water. The Total water footprint (TWF) of the fifteen crops was 1718237.01 m3/ton, likewise the BlueWF > GreenWF > GreyWF. In their economic outputs, gross value of production (GVP) > agricultural production (Ag-p) > economic rent agricultural (ERA) was verified. In environmental costs, water consumption that meets the needs of crops (Wc-Ag) > consumption of phytosanitary products (C-fly) > fertilizer consumption (C-fe) was determined. The average Agricultural eco-efficiency (Ag-Eec) and Economic water productivity (Ewp) were 89.8% and 0.046 PEN/m3 respectively. Statistical analysis between Ewp and Ag-Eec was rho = 0.18, t-test = 0.66 < 2.16 (α = 0.05; bilateral), and the correlation indicated that both activities are independent. The environmental costs and economic outputs of agricultural eco-efficiency did not influence the economic value of water.
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Economic outputs, Economic value of water, Environmental costs, Water footprint
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