Nutritional qualities and fluoride content of different date (Phoenix dactylifer) varieties consumed in Morocco
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The date is a fruit of the palm family (Phoenix dactylifer), grown in Morocco in the southern regions. It is a very important fruit in the Moroccan table, especially during Ramadan (9th month of the Islamic calendar, a lunar calendar consisting of 354 days), where it becomes an essential food that is very nutritious and invigorating to the breaking of the fast added to milk. The present work aimed to determine the contents of mineral elements (fluorine, calcium, magnesium and chlorides) and sugar levels (Brix, glucose) of 12 varieties: Ajwa (Saudi Arabia), Deglet nour (Algeria), Anbara (Saudi Arabia), Anbara (United Arab Emirates), Boufeggous (Errachidia; Morocco), Aziza (Figuig; Morocco), Majhoul (Erfoud; Morocco) Majhoul (Errachidia; Morocco), Elkhalsse (Tafilalt; Morocco) Tarzawa (Tafilalt; Morocco), Deglet nour (Tunisia), Majhoul Sghir (Tafilalt; Morocco)) of dates marketed in Morocco of North African and Middle Eastern origin. Fluoride analyses were performed using a fluoride-specific ion electrode (HI-4110). The analyses of Ca, Mg, Cl and glucose levels were performed by Spectrophotometric methods. The results of the fluoride levels revealed in the different varieties of dates varied from 0.26 to 1.05 mg in 100g of fresh weight. The sucrose and glucose levels varied between 11.8 g to 17.75 g and 18 to 40.9 g in 100g of fresh date weight, respectively. The Mg, Ca and Cl levels varied between 46.89 to 93.71mg, 11.20 to 279.28 mg and 30.66 to 47.33 mg in 100g fresh date weight, respectively. Thus, it is possible to classify the varieties of dates on the basis of their nutritional qualities and mode of consumption and to warn the population about their consumption in excess with the risk (if any) of an attack of dental or osseous fluorosis.
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Dates, Fluoride, Morocco, Phoenix dactylifer, Physico chemical, Varieties
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