
Deepak Rai Vanita


Assessments of avian communities’ composition in different habitats give an emphasis in monitoring environmental perspective. Depending on specific habitat functioning, their population pattern helps to determine the ecological health of an area. Bird surveys were accomplished on a fortnightly basis from October 2019 to September 2020 using Scan sampling, Point count and Line transect methods for evaluation of species abundance and richness in and around Ottu Reservoir, district Sirsa, Haryana (India). A total of 114 species comprising 91 genera, 47 families and 18 orders were recorded, among which 76 species were resident, 30 winter migrants and 8 summer migrants. Out of reported 114 species of birds, one species was vulnerable, 6 Near-threatened as listed by IUCN. Three bird species were listed under Schedule-I and the remaining species under Schedule-IV of IWPA (1972); six species under appendices of CITES (2012). Species such as Rock dove Columba livia, Lesser Whistling-duck Dendrocygna javanica and Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos with decreasing IUCN population trends were reported abundantly in the study area. Analysis of feeding guilds results revealed that Carnivores as predominated guild due to enriched food material. The presence of diverse plantation, aquatic body, serenity and agricultural fields serve the reservoir as potential habitat for residential and migratory species. Therefore, effective measures must be taken for the conservation of this area as a potential site for avian diversity.




Avian communities, Ecological health, Passeriformes, Winter migrants, Ottu reservoir

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Community composition and status of avifaunal diversity in and around Ottu reservoir of Sirsa, Haryana, India. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(2), 593-606. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i2.2666