
Poornima R K. Nagendra Prasad Srikanth N. Jois


Pranic agriculture (PA) is an ancient farming method where pranic energy improves crop production. Finger millet or Ragi (Eleusine coracana. L) is a major staple millet consumed in India, particularly Karnataka and is a rich source of protein and nutrients. A field study in half-acre was carried out with pranic energy treatment to seed, land and crop and along with control (without energy treatment). The traits of finger millet like plant height (26%), number of productive tillers (35%), no of panicle (54%), number of fingers (13%) and grain yield (44%) were statistically (p < .05) higher over control. Protein content in finger millet straw (4.38 %) and grain (6.13%) was higher in pranic treatment than control (3.5 and 4.75%). Nitrogen and zinc content in millet grain was higher in pranic treatment (980 and 1.96 mg/100g) than control (760 and 1.63 mg/100g). The increase in protein, nitrogen and zinc content of the millet grain and straw will help to improve the quality of produce for consumption by cattle and humans.  Increase in straw and grain yield will help to improve the economy of the farmer.  Further studies are needed to know the actual mechanisms involved in the growth and yield improvement of finger millet. And, also in-depth studies are necessary to address the reasons behind the variation in nutrients accumulation in straw and grain. 




Ancient farming techniques, Energy farming inventions, Prana, Sustainable agriculture practices

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Growth, yield and nutritional content of finger millet (Eleusine coracana L.) as influenced by pranic energy application. (2021). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 13(1), 42-50. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v13i1.2463