Protective effect of ascorbic acid against fenvalerate induced toxicity in air-breathing fish Clarias batrachus
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The food demand in recent times has increased many folds. In order to augment the need for food, the agriculture practice is extensively carried out by the farmers and pesticides are widely used by them for the better yield of crops. Fishes are also cultivated by these farmers, and humans are consuming the fishes as they are very high nutritious food product. But, these pesticides through agricultural runoffs are contaminating the ponds as well the aquatic fauna like fish. The present research work deals with the evaluation of the protective effect of ascorbic acid on fenvalerate induced nephrotoxicity in Clarias batrachus. The pyrethroid pesticide- Fenvalerate EC 20% was administered directly in the water contained in the aquarium at the dose of 0.027 ppm, 0.042 ppm and 0.083 ppm respectively for 96 hrs hours after the dose calculation through LC50. Thereafter, ascorbic acid was administered orally by gastric intubation method at the dose of 200 mg/Kg body weight per day for 04 days to each pesticide treated group. The study revealed that, after the exposure of fenvalerate, there was significant damage at the biochemical levels like urea, creatinine, protein and albumin and histopathological study of kidney tissue in fish C. batrachus. But, after the administration of ascorbic acid, there was a significant restoration in the biochemical levels and in histopathology of the kidney of fish. The study concluded that Ascorbic acid possessed protective effect against fenvalerate induced toxicity in C. batrachus.
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Ascorbic acid , Biochemical assay, Fenvalerate, Histopathological study
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