
K. S. Puspwan B. N. Pandey


The study was carried out in the forest adjacent to three villages located on the periphery of Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary with the objective to evaluate the quantitative characters of tree species of the forest vegetation near these villages in relation to the species diversity, equitability and concentration of dominance of the selected villages. A total of eleven tree species were recorded. While the IVI values ranged from 9.78 to 84.33, the density values ranged between 0.3 and 1.9 and TBC values between 13.55 cm2/100m2 and 4080.80 cm2/100m2. Distribution
pattern varied for different species. The recorded values viz. density, Shannon-Weiner Index (H), Concentration of Dominance (cd) and Equitability (Eq) were within the reported range for these types of forests.




Forest, Vegetation analysis, Quadrat, Dominant species

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Quantitative vegetation analysis of tree species in the forest adjacent to villages on the periphery of Kedarnath wildlife sanctuary. (2011). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 3(2), 303-306. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v3i2.203