
Gurpreet Singh Bachhal Pardeep Kumar Chahal Pawan Kumar


The study on the prospects of strawberry cultivation by the strawberry growers indicated that overall prospects of strawberry cultivation were medium to high since 78 percent belonged to these categories. The study was conducted in Bhiwani and Hisar districts. Prospects were categorized into two categories i.e. production related prospects and general prospect of strawberry cultivation. Majority of farmers agreed that demand is increasing day by day (weighted mean score 2.78) which is an indication of innovativeness (weighted mean score 2.76), status in village (weighted mean score 2.68). The purchasing power of people  increased (weighted mean score 2.64) The  better economic returns in comparison to other fruit crops (weighted mean score 2.62) and high nutritious value of fruit (weighted mean scores 2.62) were osberved.  In case Govt. provides facilities, it would take the persons to go for strawberry cultivation (weighted mean score 2.58). The food habit of people changed (weighted mean score 2.54). The high price (weighted mean score 2.52) was suitable for agro-processing (weighted mean score 2.5), whereas better export facilities available (weighted mean score 1.88), farmer friendly being easy to produce (weighted mean score 1.56), better market facilities available at present (weighted mean score 1.52) and better technical support available(weighted mean score 1.44) were not upto the desired level of prospects as perceived by strawberry growers.




Cultivation, Innovativeness, Prospects, Strawberry

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Prospects of strawberry cultivation in Haryana State, India. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(4), 1130-1133. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i4.1870