
Kanchna Devi Sunita Kapila Anju Rao


Thalli of three species of Plagiochasma, collected during different seasons from their natural habitats of Mandi region of Himachal Pradesh were evaluated for some biochemical parameters viz. total water soluble carbohydrates, proteins, free amino acids, total chlorophyll, carotenoid and the activities of amylases, invertase and protease. Highly significantly contents of carbohydrates (70.83±2.54 mg/g fw in P. appendiculatum, 21.26± 0.09 mg/g fw in P. articulatum and 52.75±2.95 mg/g fw in P. intermedium)  and of chlorophyll (0.76±0.005 mg/g fw in P. appendiculatum,  0.69±0.005 mg/g fw in P. articulatum and 1.2±0.006 mg/g fw in P. intermedium ) were observed towards the end of the growing season (January-March period of collection), whereas the content of protein (23.46±0.14 mg/g fw in P. appendiculatum, 23.33±0.71 mg/g fw in P. articulatum and 22.99±0.27 mg/g fw in P. intermedium)  was maximum during winter (October-December) and that of free amino acids (37.48±1.05 mg/g fw in P. appendiculatum, 70.9±0.91 mg/g fw in P. articulatum and 25.13±0.31 mg/g fw in P. intermedium)  in the rainy season (July-September). On the other hand, the activities of enzymes that breakdown the carbohydrates into simple sugars were recorded least towards the end of the favourable period of their growth. The activity of protease was maximum in the rainy season (July-September) and minimum in the winter season (October-December). This study concluded that the seasonal changes in Plagiochasma induced alterations in the biochemical compounds and in the activities of related enzymes that may be responsible for the adaptation of these plants in their natural habitats. 




Biochemical changes, Liverworts, Plagiochasma appendiculatum, P. articulatum, P. intermedium

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Seasonal biochemical changes in three species of liverwort Plagiochasma of Mandi (Himachal Pradesh), India. (2018). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 10(4), 1094-1100. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v10i4.1854