
J. B. Patel C. A. Babariya Jyoti Sondarva K. H. Ribadiya V. J. Bhatiya


The present investigation was carried out from July 2013 to July 2015, wherein 100 g of fresh quality seed of onion cv. GWO 1 was having high germination percentage and moisture content below 8 per cent. The treatment consisted of two storage conditions (C) viz., C1 (Ambient temperature) and C2 (Cold storage at 70C + 20C); two packing materials (P) viz., P1 = Cloth Bag and P2 = Polythene Bag (500 gauge = 125 µ), and five seed treatments (S) viz., S1 = Control, S2 = Carbendazim @ 2g/kg seed, S3 = Mancozeb @ 2g/kg seed, S4 = Thirum @ 3g/kg seed, and S5 = Neem leaf powder @ 10g / kg seed. After proper mixing or smearing the seeds as per the treatments, seeds were packed and stored as per treatments. Observations were recorded at 90 days interval on viability and vigour parameters. The results revealed that seed stored under cold storage (7±2 °C) and in polyethylene bags (500 gauge) noted significantly higher values for all the characters even after two years of storage. All the treatment combinations of seed stored under cold storage gave more than 70 per cent germination (As per ISTA standard) even after two years of storage, of which, seed treated with thirum @ 3g/kg seed was the best treatment. Therefore, it can be concluded that seed of onion can be stored up to two year in cold storage packed in polyethylene bag without or with seed treatment without deterioration in germination and seedling vigour.




Ambient, Cold storage, ISTA, Onion, Packing materials, Seed treatment

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of storage conditions, packing materials and seed treatments on viability and seedling vigour of onion (Allium cepa l.) seeds. (2017). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 9(2), 1054-1067. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v9i2.1321