Bio-efficacy of tank mixed herbicides for control of complex weed flora in soybean (Glycine max L. Merril)
A field experiment was conducted at ZARS, Jhabua (M.P.) during kharif 2014 to find out most suitable and efficient method of weed control in soybean. The experiment consisted of nine treatments laid out in randomized block design with three replications. All the weed management practices led to significant reduction in density and dry matter of weeds as compared to weedy check. Two hand weeding (20 & 40 DAS) recorded lowest weed density (4.9/ m2), weed dry matter (22.35 g/m2) with highest weed control efficiency of 59.67% and found at par with the application of Chlorimuron Ethyl @ 9gm /ha + Quizalofop-p-ethyl @ 50 g /ha (density 5.48/ m2, dry matter 26.62 g/m2 and WCE of 51.97%) and Imazethapyr @ 35 g /ha + Imazamox @ 35 g/ha (density 6.13/ m2, dry matter 26.00 g/m2 and WCE of 53.08%). Maximum yield of 1782 kg/ha was recorded in two hand weeding (20 & 40 DAS) closely followed by Chlorimuron Ethyl @ 9gm /ha + Quizalofop-p-ethyl @ 50 g /ha (1723 kg/ha) and Imazethapyr @ 35 g / ha + Imazamox @ 35 g/ha (1697 kg/ha). Reduction in soybean yield in weedy check to be recorded is 38.78 per cent when compared to weed free and 36.68 per cent in comparison to Chlorimuron Ethyl @ 9gm /ha + Quizalofopp-ethyl @ 50 g /ha. However, highest Benefit to Cost ratio is recorded in Chlorimuron Ethyl +Quizalofop-p-ethyl (3.26) closely followed by Imazethapyr + Imazamox (3.22) and Weed free (3.21).
Imazethapry, Pendimethalin, Quizalofop-p-ethyl, Soybean, Weed control
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