
Shilpa Panjgotra G. K. Sangha Sandeep Sharma J. K. Kondal


Rapid growth of urbanization and industrialization has led to generation of large quantities of wastes. Major portion of organic waste is burned or dumped, creating huge amount of pollutants. The best possible alternative to reduce these pollutants is through vermicomposting. This experiment was done to investigate the effect of wheat straw and FYM (farm yard manure) in different combinations of 1:1, 1:1/2 and control on biological parameters viz., mean initial weight (mg/worm), maximum weight achieved (mg/worm), net weight gain (mg/worm), growth rate (mg/worm/day), duration of life cycle (in days), initiation of cocoon production (in days), total number of cocoons produced (in days), initiation of hatching (in days), hatching per cocoon, cocoons produced per worm, cocoons produced per day and period for vermicomposting along with physico-chemical parameters of vermicompost viz., pH,
EC (dS m-1), nitrogen (kg/ha), phosphorous (kg/ha), potassium (kg/ha) and organic carbon (%). The study revealed that maximum period required for Eisenia fetida to complete its life cycle was 59.33±0.39 days in 1:1 combination (wheat straw: FYM), 62.33± 0.29 days in 1:1/2 combination (wheat straw: FYM) and 66±0.77days in control. Net weight gain and growth rate was higher in 1:1 combination. Initiation of cocoon production (23.66±0.14 ) and hatching (21±0.25) was recorded to be early in 1:1 combination. Total number of cocoons produced, cocoons produced per day and cocoons produced per worm was also higher in 1:1 combination. At the end, ready vermicompost showed decreased level of pH, EC, OC and increased level of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. The maximum significant results were obtained in 1:1 combination. In 1:1 combination decrease in pH, EC and OC was 11.09 %, 41.45 % and 59.55 %, respectively and increase in nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium was 250.84 %, 216.12 % and 168.75 %, respectively. Results indicate that E. fetida in 1:1 combination is more suitable for bioconversion of organic residues into useful manure due to its high growth, reproduction and nutritive potential.




Cow dung, Earthworms, Organic waste, Vermiculture, Waste management

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of wheat straw and FYM on growth and reproduction of Eisenia fetida during vermicomposting. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(4), 2212-2218. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i4.1114