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Archna Rashmi A. K. Saxena


A look on the available literature indicated that population characteristics of Phthiraptera on Indian sheep deserved investigation. Two hundred sheep were sampled to reveal the population levels of phthirapteran species on sheep in the district Rampur (U.P.). Three phthirapteran species were recovered (Bovicola ovis Schrank, the face
louse, Linognathus ovillus Neumann and the foot louse of sheep, Linognathus pedalis Osborn). The prevalence to Phthiraptera on sheep was 26.5%, (n= 200) during 2007. The difference in the prevalence of Phthiraptera on two sexes of sheep was not found significant at 5% level. Likewise, the difference in the prevalence of phthirapteran species on young, adult and older sheep was also insignificant at 5% level. The prevalence and intensity of infestation of Phthiraptera were found significantly correlated (at 5% level) to mean monthly temperature. The correlation between prevalence and relative humidity was not found significant at 5% level. The present report provides first information on the population characteristics of phthirapteran ectoparasites infesting Indian sheep.

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Bovicola ovis, Lice, Linognathus ovillus, Linognathus pedalis, Phthiraptera

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How to Cite

A note on natural population levels of Phthirapteran species on sheep at district Rampur (U. P.), India. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(4), 1971-1974.