
Anchala Nautiyal Neeta Gaur Kamendra Singh Preeti Sharma


The aim of the present investigation was to study the effect of soybean plant phenols and flavonoid content on the mean leaf area consumed by Spodopteralitura and Spilosoma obliqua larva. Phenols and flavonoid content in methanolic leaf extract of thirty three genotypes of soybean were determined by spectrophotometrically. The
highest and lowest phenolic content were found in genotypes JS-20-41(2.2±0.073 mg/g) and CSB 904 (0.45 ±0.11 mg/g), respectively. While the highest and lowest flavonoid content was found in genotypes SL 979 4.686± 0.062 mg QE/ g, respectively. In correlation study a highly significant negative correlation was observed between mean leaf area consumed (cm2) by S. litura, phenol content (-0.741 ) and flavonoid content (-0.737) similarly a highly significant negative correlation was observed between mean leaf area consumed by S. obliqua, phenol content (-0.728) and flavonoid content (-0.736) in leaves. Hence it can be concluded that, the genotypes which were having higher phenol and flavonoid content in their leaves offered resistance against S. litura and S. boliqua in soybean.




Flavonoids, Phenols, Soybean, Spodopteralitura, Spilosoma obliqua

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Research Articles

How to Cite

Effect of soybean plant phenols and flavonoid on the mean leaf area consumed by Spodopteralitura and Spilosoma obliqua larvae. (2016). Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 8(4), 1931-1936. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v8i4.1065